Business activities: Consultancy
As you might know from my profile and curriculum vitae, I have developed a skill set in helping people and companies to make the best possible use of the Internet, under many different points of view.
For what regards business, my experience in startups can be used in evaluating ideas for new companies and new services, especially in the preparatory phase of refining the concept, developing a business plan and starting activities (see also the business angel section). Even if I do not usually have time to be operational in new companies, I am glad to offer counseling on new ideas when possible.
My expertise in management, and the corporate projects I successfully completed in the past, allow me to offer high value consultancy to corporations that want to understand what the new technologies - Internet, mobile phones, digital television and more - can do to optimize their costs and their production processes, to enable new products and new services, and to ensure an adequate presence and effective communication with their customers.
From a technical standpoint, my know-how is quite broad, covering through direct experience most of the technologies presently used to build online ICT services on various telecommunication channels (Internet, GSM/UMTS, DTT). I know and personally use programming languages such as Perl, PHP, Java, C#, and architectures based on free software (Linux/Apache/MySQL especially); however, more than for my development skills, I am appreciated for my ability to identify the technical instruments that most fit the project, and suggest the best ways to use them.
For those who deal with Internet policies, I am a well known participant in international Internet governance processes, and thus I can be useful for projects oriented to analysis, research and participation in them.
In case you might be interested in my skills, I encourage you to contact me to discuss opportunities to work together.