ICANN Board Liaison
In December 2006, ICANN's At Large Advisory Committee elected me as its non-voting representative (liaison) in the ICANN Board for one yearly term, which ended at the end of 2007. While I had no voting rights, I fully participated in the activities and meetings of the Board.
Being a liaison, it was part of my commitment to post updates about what was being discussed to the ALAC and also to the broader community. There is a limit on what can be reported in public, given that Board discussions are confidential. However, I did my best to post updates and ask for opinions as far as I could.
I take it as a principle that, in my activity as liaison, I have to refer the view (or, more often, the diverse views) that I gather from my community, rather than my own. There are times when it is impossible to do so, because of the need for immediate reaction, or because the matter is so confidential that it cannot be disclosed to other members of the constituency. In this case, I try to use my judgement to take positions that reflect the general values and past standings of the At Large. However, whenever possible, I like to stir open discussions.
To post news and comments, and to promote input and feedback, I set up a blog, in English, that you can find here. Even after the term's end, I am still publishing a post every now and then, whenever there is something that needs to be communicated or commented upon. Please subscribe to the RSS feeds so that you can automatically check whether there have been recent updates.