[[The Strokes – Vision Of Division]]
Concludo la parentesi sugli Strokes con una canzone del loro ultimo disco First Impressions Of Earth, che mi è rimasta in testa nel concerto e cade a fagiolo in questi giorni. Ha una strofa fatta di due frasi separate che si intersecano, seguiti da un ritornello che è una marcia nuziale al contrario in versione elettrica: ha una cadenza solenne da cerimonia, ma parla, come dice il titolo, della divisione; è dolce e straziante allo stesso tempo. E poi, una chiosa furiosa per distruggere il tutto.
Intimamente dedicato, ovviamente, a una persona specifica, e al modo in cui i suoi problemi si sono rivelati insormontabili per mancata voglia di affrontarli. It’s about time that you came through.
Sing me a song (You could be)
Tell me a tale (Just like me)
Don’t turn it my way (Happy and free)
I’ll turn it to shit (Happy and free)
All that I do, is wait for you
All that I do, is wait for you
I can’t get along with all your friends
I don’t know how to act, that’s all there is
Why do I accept the things you say?
You know what to change but not in what way
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
I am not you (We could have)
I’m almost through (Great success)
It’s about time (Such a success)
That you came through (At no expense)
All that I do, is wait for you
All that I do, is wait for you
I can’t get away from all your friends
I’m not coming back, that’s all there is
Why do I accept the things you say?
You know what to change but not in what way
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
How long must I wait?
25 Luglio 2006, 16:13
E che dire di Ize of the world? E’ una canzone PERFETTA dal mio punto di vista, infatti al concerto ero alla soglia del delirio.
La posto:
I think I know what you mean but watch what you say
Cause they’ll be try to knock you down in some way
Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep
How do you wake someone up from inside a dream?
You mind would wonder and search for this place in the night
You body followed this feeling like following light
Once that your music was born it followed you ‘round
And then it gave your activities meaning and let you be loud
You’re sad but you smile
It’s not in your eyes
Your eyeballs won’t change
It’s the muscles around your eyes
An egg to fertilize
A pulse to stabilize
A body to deodorize
A life to scrutinize
A child to criticize
Young adults to modernize
Citizens to terrorize
Generations to desensit…
You’re dreams are sweet and obsessed
And you’re overworked
You’re over taken by visions of being overlooked
How disappointed would D.I.D.I.P.P. be
(Dead Idealistic Desperate Inventor Pioneer Philosophers)
to see such our power in our hands all wasted on greed?
I am a prisoner to instincts
Or do my thoughts just live as free and detached as boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born and detached from your heart
Is your free time to free minds or for falling apart?
Night after night
You turn out the light
You don’t fall asleep
Right away
“Are we… are we done?â€
A desk to organize
A product to advertise
A market to monopolize
Movie stars to idolize
Leaders to scandalize
Enemies to neutralize
No time to apologize
Fury to tranquilize
Weapons to synchronize
Cities to vapor-i
Ah, senti ti spiace se ti linko?