[[Duran Duran – What Happens Tomorrow]]
Questo brano mi è venuto fuori adesso, nella playlist, quasi per caso. E così ho pensato di dedicarlo a tutte le persone là fuori che in questo momento si sentono confuse e perdute, come è successo a me, in altri momenti, tante volte. Respirate, e lasciatevi andare.
Child, don’t you worry
It’s enough you’re growing up in such a hurry
Brings you down the news they sell you
To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure
But nobody knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show how frightened we are
If you let me I’ll protect you however I can
You’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright in the end
You’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright again
Fighting, because we’re so close
There are times we punish those who we need the most
No, we can’t wait for a saviour
Only got ourselves to blame for this behaviour
And nobody knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show how frightened we are
Would seem lonely, if you were the only star in the night
You’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright in the end
You’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright again
time is a river
a silent icy river
pulls us all
running deep
deep and fast enough to get lost down in the flow
thrashing around me
tiny lives mean everything
And nobody knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow
So don’t let go, now we’ve come this far
Hope I have peace, understand me, you’re never alone
We’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright in the end (nobody knows)
You’ve got to believe
It’ll be alright my friend (so don’t let go)
And yes we believe
It’ll be alright again (no don’t let go)

3 Gennaio 2007, 21:06
Questa canzone è bellissima, peccato che la versione ufficiale abbia cancellato il riff dove dice ..
time is a river…a silenti icy river pulls us all
running deep , deep and fast enough to ………
3 Febbraio 2007, 23:43
Ciao, io sono una fans , i Durans sono e saranno sempre mitici, credo che questa canzone sia stupenda come tante altre !!!! Ciao Barbara
8 Febbraio 2007, 22:26
I duran duran sono mitici e questa canzone per me è un simbolo importante della mia vita perchè è stata e sarà sempre per me la canzone mia e del mio primo amore…